Mission Statement
Rich in tradition and focused on the future, the Fort Thomas Independent School District provides engaging and challenging learning experiences which foster creativity, curiosity and innovation, while inspiring all students to pursue lifelong learning and become productive members of the global community.
Vision Statement
Board of Education meetings are held monthly, usually on the second Monday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:30pm. Please check the MEETINGS section of this webpage or the district calendar to confirm dates. For convenience, these meetings may be recorded and published on the HHS Film and Broadcast YouTube Channel.
Meeting Locations
Monthly Board meetings will be held at the Fort Thomas City Building located at 130 N. Fort Thomas Avenue.
Working Board meetings will be held at the FTIS Central Office located at 28 N. Fort Thomas Avenue.
Participation Information
Community members may participate in the Board of Education meetings through one of two methods:
1) Informal Community Forum
- If you wish to informally address Board members, please register at the reception area. When your turn to speak arises, identify yourself and state your reason for addressing the Board.
- Address the Board as a whole through the chairperson instead of through individual Board members.
2) Formal Board Agenda
- If you wish to formally present information at a School Board meeting, complete a request form for consideration at least 10 days prior to the meeting and submit it to the Superintendent’s office or call 859.815.2021.
Matters involving pending disputes, disciplinary action involving a student or employee, and/or personnel issues are not appropriate to discuss at a School Board meeting.
Contact the Board of Education boardofed@fortthomas.kyschools.us
Public Records
Please reference Policy 1.6 and Procedure 1.6 AP.2 for procedures to be followed in requesting public records. You can access Policies and Procedures in the LINKS section of this webpage.
Records Custodian
Brian Robinson, Superintendent
28 N. Fort Thomas Avenue
Fort Thomas, KY 41075
Summer Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8am - 4pm (closed for lunch 12-1pm)
Phone: 859.781.3333